Progressive Adult Rehabilitation Center, Inc.

  • Community Organizations
114 North Union Street, Suite B
Petersburg, VA 23803
804-732-4988 (fax)
Mon. - Fri. : 8 AM. - 4 PM.

About Us

Progressive Adult Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (PARC) mission is to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services to adults with intellectual disabilities in our community. In fulfilling its mission, read more
  • About

    Progressive Adult Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (PARC) mission is to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services to adults with intellectual disabilities in our community. In fulfilling its mission, PARC strives to promote an environment in which individuals served are encouraged to make choices, increase skill levels, have access to opportunities to live, work, and fully participate in the community.

  • Media

  • Whom to Contact

    • Felicia B. Daniels
      Executive Director
      Phone: 804-732-0685