Mount Pleasant Baptist Church

  • Religous Organizations
3110 Greenwood Ave.
Colonial Heights, VA 23834
(804) 526-0816
Sunday Mornings
9:30 Sunday School for all ages
10:45 Worship Service

About Us

Mount Pleasant Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church located in Colonial Heights, VA on a mission to spread the Gospel.

Web WORSHIP God Personally
God has called us to a personal, intimate, read more
  • About

    Mount Pleasant Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church located in Colonial Heights, VA on a mission to spread the Gospel.

    Web WORSHIP God Personally
    God has called us to a personal, intimate, growing relationship with Him. The primary way we experience that relationship is through the regular, consistent practice of spiritual disciplines and corporate worship.

    We WALK with Other Believers
    “Doing Life Together” is a New Testament command for all believers. Our aim is that every member will be connected with other believers in a small group setting (Sunday School or Community Group). Small groups are a place for deeper relational connection, applying God’s Word to our lives, developing accountability, and providing ministry and care in times of need.

    We WORK for God’s Kingdom
    Every believer has been given at least one spiritual gift, and is called to use that gift in the life and work of the local church. Our goal is to have every member serving according to his or her giftedness, passion, skills, abilities, and calling. Doing so brings fulfillment to the believer and helps the church accomplish her mission.

    We WITNESS as a Way of Life
    Across the street and around the world, all believers are called to share the Gospel with others. Evangelism is a lifestyle, and our desire is that every believer will be prepared and ready to share their faith at all times in order to “make the most of every opportunity.”

    Come Join Us!

    Sunday Mornings
    9:30 Sunday School for all ages
    10:45 Worship

    Midweek at the Mount Fellowship Dinner - 5:30pm

    Activities for All Ages- 6:30- 7:30pm

  • Whom to Contact

    • Joseph Mayes
      Administrative Pastor
      Phone: (804) 526-0816