Dinwiddie County Public Schools

  • City Government
14016 Boydton Plank Road
Dinwiddie, VA 23841
(804) 469-4190
(804) 469-4197 (fax)
  • About

    The mission of Dinwiddie County Public Schools is to provide each student the opportunity to become a productive citizen, engaging the entire community in the educational needs of our children.

    By believing in a set of core values, we strive to bring excellence to our academics and everything we do. We believe in being fair and impartial by providing equity of treatment to our students. Last, by modeling and expecting integrity, our students will be learning life skills of being honest, trustworthy, and having a strong ethical belief.

    Giving our students opportunities and core values of Excellence, Equity, and Integrity will help them become productive citizens while they aspire to reach their goals and dreams for the future.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Dr. Kari Weston
      Phone: (804) 469-4190